The Foundation works in favor of the general interest by promoting and stimulating entrepreneurship, which is the primary creator of jobs, the guarantor of our prosperity and the answer to many of today’s and tomorrow’s societal challenges.

BEyond-Photo de groupe

Our vision

Every individual knows that they can dream of being an entrepreneur and has the right to live their own entrepreneurial experience according to their own ambitions.

Entrepreneurship is a norm, recognized as a tool of general interest.

Our mission

Pulse’s ambition is to stimulate and promote entrepreneurial culture from the earliest age; to ensure access to all entrepreneurs of all ambitions; to guarantee that the ecosystem fosters the potential of all our entrepreneurs, everywhere in Belgium.

Notre mission

How we work

The Foundation has chosen to intervene at every stage of an entrepreneur’s life cycle, from awareness-raising to business creation, from project growth to business failure.

The Foundation addresses these seven levers in three ways: through partnerships, innovation and advocacy.

diagram in English

Innovation at the Foundation



Revival’s mission is to safeguard our entrepreneurs, the primary creators of value and jobs in Belgium, to ensure their professional rebound and to encourage a change of attitude towards entrepreneurial failure, a subject still taboo in our culture.



Eyond is a program designed and operated since 2018 by the Pulse Foundation.

Its mission is to accelerate the growth of our best technology scale-ups in order to make them global players as quickly and effectively as possible.

Indeed, the “new economy” sector is the most likely to create qualitative jobs and generate value, and therefore prosperity, for our country.

Pulse Foundation in the press