
Promoting access to entrepreneurship, whatever its form and whoever is behind it.

Supported projects


SO Kwadraat

SO Kwadraat generates societal value in Belgium by translating academic innovation into technology start-ups run by qualified PhD graduates, supported by a tailor-made coaching program delivered by experienced high-tech entrepreneurs. Pulse’s support will help them expand their service and broaden the scope of their mission.


Be Impact

Be Impact is the new national portal dedicated to impact initiatives in Belgium, offering resources to strengthen mission-driven businesses and increase their visibility, with a focus on access to funding and expertise. Be Impact also aims to act as an observatory within the sector. Pulse is supporting their project in its initial phase, helping to develop the platform and share resources.



#SheDIDIT encourages female entrepreneurs from diverse backgrounds by offering customized, one-to-one coaching (#Shemeansbusiness), a shared concept store (#SheHub) and a special program for young female entrepreneurs. The foundation helps to develop their coaching offer, boost the concept store and their activities on a national scale.

VentureLab and StartLab

Impact Shakers

Impact Shakers favorise l’entrepreneuriat inclusif pour relever les défis sociétaux, en liant l’impact au profit et en renforçant les initiatives de ce secteur. La fondation soutient plus particulièrement Raise, un programme de 10 semaines visant à améliorer les compétences des fondateurs issus des minorités en vue de mieux les préparer à tout ce qui touche à l’investissement, en offrant connaissances, réseautage et accès au capital.